Total Relaxation Healing Guided Meditation Sound Bath with 432Hz Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls

This is a powerful, hour long relaxing hypnosis and guided meditation with positive affirmations for complete inner and outer healing, designed for total relaxation or to fall asleep to. I think this is the best meditation track I’ve made yet. Featuring my beautiful crystal quartz singing bowls in the first part of the track for an amazing, healing sound bath.

432 Hz Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls to Ocean and Rain Sounds

Please tell me what you think about the sound of this recording. It is the first time recording my 432 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls that are each tuned to the Chakras. I have a very good microphone that picks up the sound from these Singing Bowls really well, and the bowls are very powerful and get very loud and sometimes makes some very interesting sounds, I just hope that some of the sounds produced from the bowls aren’t annoying sounding and can help one enter a deeper state of relaxation and meditation. Well, I have cleansed and asked the Singing Bowls to work on a deep level to work with myself and others in cleansing, grounding, removing blockages and balancing the chakras, removal of negativity and in physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Positive Affirmations for Perfect Health, Perfect Skin and Eternal Youth

I don’t own this music by Quadible Integrities, I just dubbed over it to use at home for my own positive affirmation/mantras and thought to share my mantras here anyway because it might be helpful to some people.

These affirmations were chosen specifically to work on correcting previous negative beliefs. Because I believe that it is entirely possible to use the Power of the Mind to achieve anything – even seemingly impossible things like reversing aging etc. I believe the key to it is truly believing it, and to do so we must break old negative beliefs and completely recreate a new positive belief system.

Just so you know, I’ve had excellent results with positive affirmation work and correcting my negative beliefs with certain things, for example, I have corrected my food intolerances and allergies by teaching myself to believe that all foods are good for me. Now I no longer have any severe digestive issues like I used to and I really can eat anything without it bothering me! I’ve even lost weight using Positive affirmations. So I’ve decided to try it for general health, to heal my sensitive problematic skin (which I really do believe is a result of me believing my skin is problematic and that I can’t tolerate many things etc etc etc) and also to stay eternally young.

Positive Affirmations for Perfect Health, Perfect Skin and Eternal Youth
These are positive affirmations for Perfect Health, Perfect Skin and Eternal Youth with Quadible Integrity’s Reverse Aging skin cell regeneration subliminal music
Every cell in my body is constantly regenerating
I am restored to perfect health
My immune system is naturally strong
I’m not worried about anything
I never get sick
I will always be healthy
I heal super abnormally fast! I can heal instantly, like I have super powers! 
I have optimal healing power
My body is strong and durable
I have so much energy
I can work out non stop, for hours and never get tired
I can eat whatever I want and still remain slim and healthy
Every food I eat turns to healthy fuel that properly nourishes my body
I can enjoy all foods
I can handle lots of variety
I can digest anything
I stopped aging a long time ago and I will always be young and fit and in perfect health
I can do whatever I want and still be perfectly healthy
I am fit and naturally really flexible
My body moves fluidly and effortlessly in full range of motion
I never get stiff, my muscles are naturally loose and flexible
My muscles are toned, firm, healthy and harmonious
my joints are strong and hydrated
I can easily do the splits
I can easily make flexibility gains
I never get trigger points
my muscles are perfectly balanced on each side of my body
my posture is perfect
My whole body and spine are perfectly aligned
i stand tall and erect
I am naturally slim and toned
I am very bendy and I excel at fitness
All scars, lumps and scar tissue are dissolving in my body
i am healing completely
My fascia tissue is smooth, hydrated and healthy
My skin is healed and regenerated
My lymphatic system is healthy and constantly working to clear out toxins
My brain is perfectly healthy
I am releasing all stored toxins in my urine
My circulation is healthy
My legs are smooth, firm and healthy
My feet are healed, strong and feel amazing
Every inch of my body is healing itself
My body is capable of regenerating
All of my organs are in perfect health
My heart and lungs are restored to perfect health
I am so happy that I don’t have any allergies, or any sensitivity to foods or environmental things
I am so happy I can tolerate all things in my environment
I am so happy my body resonates perfectly with nature
I am so happy my body reacts positively to all substances around me
I am so grateful that my body is perfectly immune to all negativity and negative substances
I am well protected
I am healing on a deep cellular level
I am able to heal myself very quickly
I am restored to love and light
my body is a perfect, beautiful vessel
My teeth and enamel are perfectly regenerated
My teeth are straight and white
My hands are smooth, youthful and strong
My skin everywhere is healthy, clearn, firm and elastic
I am cleansing every inch of my physical body and spirit body
I am cleansing my aura
I am cutting all cord attachments
I am releasing all negative emotions
I am letting go of all stored negativity in my body
I am not storing any toxins or negative feelings, memories or things in my body
I am only allowing positivity, love and light into my body
All of my chakras are balanced and cleansed
My energy flows perfectly
in divine movement
I am grounded and connected to the earth
The earth’s energy constantly grounds me, heals me and cleanses me
I am invigorated
I am positive
I am high vibration
The love I feel for myself and my body is healing every cell
deeply, love penetrates my body with healing energies
I let go of all societal beliefs that things are bad for me
Everything is harmonious and beneficial to me
I am worry free and happy
I am so thankful for living a pain free life
I am so thankful that I feel so fantastic!
I am so grateful that my body feels so good, so youthful, so vibrant
I am so grateful that every cell in my body is regenerated
I am so grateful that I have perfect health
I am so grateful for my everlasting, eternal youthfulness
I am so grateful that I am young, fit, healthy and full of life

My eyes are healthy

My eyesight is restored to perfect healthy vision

My skin is clear, calm, and as smooth as porcelain

my skin is always naturally clear

I release my anger and resentment and forgive

and let go

I forgive….

I have no worries

not a care in the world

I am safe and loved

I am well prepared, protected and supported

There is nothing to be afraid of in the world around me

I love myself

I am shining my inner light out to the world

Confidently and brightly

I am authentic

I am glowing and radiating out positivity, and love and light

Every cell in my body is healthy and energized

On a deep level, I am regenerated

My DNA is healthy

I am strong

My skin is glowing

My skin is strong

My aura protects me well

My skin is healed, regenerated and firm

My skin is smooth and supple

My skin is so easy to take care of

I am well hydrated

water easily flows through me

Water reacts favourably to ome

I love water

I am connected to the divine cycle of water within my own cells of my body, in my heart, and in the water cycles of the earth around me

I allow the tides to ebb and flow in my life

I am grateful to water

for restoring me to excellent perfect health

I can put whatever I want on my skin if I feel like it

No skin care products, ingredients, chemicals or outside influences, or toxins ever bother my skin

I have effortless perfect skin

my skin is healthy no matter what

I don’t even need skin care products

my sin is already perfect the way it is

And I don’t have to do anything for it

I don’t have to worry about it at all

I am not sensitive or reactive to anything in my environment

I exist in harmony with my environment

my skin is so easy to take care of

my skin looks great


My skin looks naturally healthy

naturally young and youthful

naturally smooth

naturally soft

and is naturally moisturized

it’s naturally firm

and naturally toned

I can interact with the world safely

Everything in the world interacts with me harmoniously

I dont have to worry about sensitiviities

intolerances or allergies

I am not allergic to anything!

I am not sensitive to anything!

I love everything! I love variety! I love change

I love the freedom of getting to try new things.

I can touch, smell, eat and be around whatever I like, as often as I like

while remaining healthy and happy

My skin only absorbs positive things and never absorbs negative things

I am a sponge for only love and light

I am inpenetrable to any negativity

I am immune

I am resilent

I am in balance with the world around me

I let my worries go easily

I am confident

Things outside of myself to do not overwhelm or destabilize me

I am stable, firm and strong

I am always calm and positive during stressful events

Guided Meditation for Raising Vibration, Happiness, Healing and Self Love

This is a quick (my favourite kind) guided meditation under 10 minutes, focused on the power of love and gratitude, that I designed to specifically help me raise my vibration and make me want to get up and live life and get me out of a funk when I feel sad, depressed, lonely and heartbroken. It really works so great for me, so maybe it will be helpful to others. It’s a really great way to start the day.

It also has affirmations and some Law of Attraction focus on manifesting physical healing, eternal youth, confidence, self love, weight loss and beauty.